Today I am sharing a simple 3-step framework for creating better content (e.g. blogs, videos or Instagram stories). If you spend 5 minutes planning out your content around this framework before you hit record or start writing your blog post you will find it so much easier to get your point across and it will also help your community remember the messages that you are trying to share.
Read MoreI hear a lot of excuses and reasons why people can’t start or grow their businesses. “I’ll do it when my kids start school”, “I’ll do it when COVID is over and I don’t have to home school”, “I’ll wait until I have a bit more time”.
The problem with these sorts of excuses is they hold you back from ever achieving anything. Instead of excuses for why you CAN’T do something what you should be doing is designing a life on purpose – so you fit what you want to achieve in terms of goals, dreams, aspirations around what you CAN achieve in your life.
Read MoreOne of the questions I get asked the most is about how to price interior design services.
The overarching answer is that pricing creative services is really more an art than a science but in this video I give you a formula (that’s easy to use I promise – no tricky maths required!) for how to think about pricing your services so you can base it in some kind of foundation rather than pluck a number out of thin air and hope you make some money (which is the way I find many designers price their work).
Read MoreIn today’s Instagram tips week video I want to make sure that you are regularly reviewing your insights tab on Instagram. This is massively important if you are going to be using Instagram as a strategic business tool rather than just as a bit of a time waster. So I talk you through the key metrics I review on a regular basis and show you how to find out information about your Instagram community via the insights area.
Read MoreIn today’s Instagram tips week video I am sharing four of the biggest mistakes I see interior designers make on Instagram. These mistakes largely stem from the fact that many designers and new business owners forget that they should be using Instagram as a strategic business tool NOT as a place to just talk about themselves and show off what they know or like. So, make sure you take a look at today’s video and if you’re making any of these mistakes you can then think about how you can fix them up.
Read MoreIn today’s Instagram tips week video I am sharing a little bit of the behind the scenes of how I batch my Instagram content using an app called Later. This is a great way of being able to get a bit ahead with your Instagram content planning so it’s not always a stress and struggle at the end of each day to work out what you are going to post.
Read MoreIn today’s Instagram tips week video I am sharing three ways to find more design clients and grow your following (and business!) on Instagram. In particular we are talking about hashtags, location tagging and mentions. These are all great ways of helping you get in front of a larger audience and bringing awareness to the content you’re sharing.
Read MoreI get lots of questions about the top books I recommend for new business owners.
In this video I share my top 5! You’ll have to watch to find out what they are!
Read MoreThe purpose of a design portfolio when you’re running a design business must be to sell your services and position yourself as an expert who knows what they are doing and who is great to work with!
In this video I outline the sections that I think you should include in a design portfolio that sells.
Read MoreWhen people are starting their business too many people procrastinate by spending time on things they think are helping their business (e.g. making pretty logos, websites, Instagram pages) and not enough time taking action on the one most important question they should be asking themselves:
What is the fastest path to revenue?
Read MoreI’m demonstrating today’s concept live in action! And that is how to get more done by habit stacking.
I am always trying to maximise my time by stacking tasks and doing more than one thing at a time – especially when it comes to things like going for walks, folding washing, making school lunches etc. In this video I’m sharing the two steps to being a great habit stacker!
Read MoreWhen you're running a business anything that saves you time in your personal, family OR business life is going to give you back time to put towards the stuff you love to do in your business. So with that in mind I'm sharing the calendar that I put together for my boys to help organise our weeks and for them to help pack their school bags with the right things each morning.
Read MoreIf you’re working as a designer there’s about a 99% chance that your ideal client is hanging out on the Instagram platform. Investing time into your Instagram means that you’ll have a steady stream of new leads coming in to your business that you can then nurture and hopefully eventually turn in to paying clients.
In this video I’m sharing some ideas today on how to do all the thinking about what you will post in one block of time – so that your daily post creation becomes a breeze!
Read MoreI get lots of questions about SketchUp and how this software can be useful for design businesses.
It’s one of the pieces of software I used EVERY DAY when I was working as a designer and was critical to the way I created professional work for my clients.
Read MoreDid you know that Pinterest isn’t just a place for searching pretty images of homes?
You can also use this as a strategic business tool and in today’s video I share three ideas of ways you may not have thought of to use Pinterest in your design business.
Read MoreIn today’s video I am sharing my audio and video set up for how I record my videos.
Instead of seeing the ‘pretty’ view of my zoom background I’m taking you behind the scenes to the view that I see and share the different pieces of equipment I use to light my videos and record my audio.
Read MoreIn today’s video I am sharing the story of why I have changed the name of these daily videos and the lesson it can teach you guys! I got some tips for you on the importance of focusing on your design business, not what your competition is up to.
Read MoreIn today’s video I am sharing a tool that I use daily in my business called Loom. There are many uses for Loom and I give you some ideas for how I think it could really help to enhance the work you do with your design clients.
Read MoreA question I get asked so much in my DMs are which podcasts I recommend for helping to start or grow a design business. Today I am sharing some of my most favourite podcasts – the ones that I play on regular rotation on my walks or while I’m doing jobs around the house.
Read MoreIs your set up as good as it could be for representing yourself and your business in the best possible light over Zoom? I’m sharing 5 completely FREE tricks that you can implement today – no tricky tech needed!
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