In this post I share 5 traits you will need to build a successful design business.
Read MoreHere’s how to build a design business that consistently makes $10,000 per month.
Read MoreIf I had to start my 7-figure a year business over again, here are the steps I would take.
Read MoreAll businesses require some upfront funding to get set up correctly (and legally!). And there are quite a few things you can be tempted to spend money on when you are establishing your business. Here’s what’s worth spending on and where to save your money and do it yourself.
Read MoreHere are 8 strategies to put in place to help you refine your business strategy and remain competitive.
Read MoreHere are the 5 steps I’ve taken over the past 10 years to build my business to where it is today.
Read MoreMost people procrastinate doing all the wrong things when they first start their design business. And actually there is only ONE way to get your business started. In this post I share what that one thing is…
Read MoreI have worked with hundreds of designers on their business and see the same mistakes being made over and over again. In this post I share 29 of the top mistakes I see time and again (plus some ideas for how to fix or avoid these mistakes).
Read MoreStarting your own interior design business can be a great way to have more control over your career and the projects you take on, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Here’s some advice I would give a beginner just starting in the industry.
Read MoreOver the past 10 years or so I have grown my interior design business from absolutely nothing to a multiple 7 figure a year business that I have today. And in this post I’m answering the top 10 questions I get asked about starting an interior design business.
Read MoreIf you are wondering how to grow your interior design business then this post is for you! I share the key stages a design business moves through as it grows and scales and help you identify what stage you’re in now, what activities you should be working on and how to get to the next stage. I also have a free PDF download for you in the post as well.
Read MoreSetting and achieving financial goals is a crucial aspect of running a successful business. In this post I talk about breaking down revenue goals into achievable daily targets. We look at how you might make $120,000 per year by breaking down exactly what you need to be doing step by step.
Read MoreHere’s your path to a $100K per year design business! 🚀 This list will help you focus on the right things to be working on for YOUR stage of business so you can move up a revenue bracket this year! 🎉🎉
Read MoreIn the interior design industry there are many different roles and titles and it can be hard to understand the differences between them. As a professional it's important to understand the distinctions between an interior stylist, interior decorator and interior designer and what they can offer to clients. In this post I share the difference between the three and what each role involves.
Read MoreIn this post I share the difference between an interior decorator and an interior designer and whether or not you need formal training to work in the design industry.
Read MoreAs we get going with 2023 I want to share the framework I've used to grow my business over the past 10 years or so. I have used this simple framework to grow from $0 in revenue and no community to the business I have today that makes 7 figures + per year and has a community of more than 120K across all the different channels I create on.
Read MoreIn this post I’m sharing what I would do if my entire business disappeared tomorrow and I had to rebuild it again from scratch. Building a million dollar a year business may seem completely overwhelming but it’s honestly not that complicated when you break it down step by step. Here’s what I would do…
Read MoreThe problem I see with lots of new design business owners is they are working on the wrong tasks. And that’s why their business isn’t taking off as fast as they wish it would. So in this post I outline five things that I think new design business owners should be focusing on when they first start their business - before they worry about social media or building a complicated website.
Read MoreIf you’re working in a 9-5 but want to start your own business the path from here to profitable business owner can feel very daunting. In this post I lay out three paths for how you can move from where you are now to starting your business and living the life you dream of. Plus I share my own path from 9-5 full-time corporate job to seven figure business owner (as a Mum of three!)…
Read MoreThere are 5 things I do in business now that I didn't do when I was first starting out. In this post I share what they are so you can learn from my mistakes and get started with these earlier than I did!
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