Why SketchUp is a great tool for small design businesses

In this video series I share daily tasks and actions that will take you around 10 minutes to complete each day and will help you find more interior design clients and make huge progress in your design business.

I get lots of questions about SketchUp and how this software can be useful for design businesses.

Today I’m sharing some of the main reasons why I think it’s such a fantastic, easy to learn, and all in one platform.

It’s one of the pieces of software I used EVERY DAY when I was working as a designer and was critical to the way I created professional work for my clients.

Remember - the purpose of this new series of videos is for you to TAKE ACTION on these tasks. If you do the things I'm suggesting each day then bit by bit you will be making progress towards growing your business and attracting more clients.

Please contact me if you would like more information about whether SketchUp could be a good fit for you or find out more here:

I hope you enjoy today’s video and remember that the secret to your success in business is always to be taking imperfect action! So make sure you don’t just consume this content - but you actually take action on it as well.

Learn SketchUp with our fun online course for beginners…

If you want improve your work with design clients or you are about to start renovating or remodeling then you will love SketchUp.

With this software you can mock up an entire home in 2D (floor plans, joinery/millwork elevations, lighting and electrical plans and more) and 3D (renderings and perspective drawings) so you can picture exactly what it will look like when it is finished plus prepare your technical drawings for use with your clients, trades and contractors.

Learning SketchUp will save you time, money, mistakes and so much more! It is a well known piece of software in the interior design and architecture industries and will give you a solid technical drawing skill that will immediately upgrade the professionalism of the work you are doing.

I teach an online course for beginners that is focused specifically on using SketchUp for interior design purposes. We have had more than 10,000 students come through the course with so many fantastic projects designed and built!

We have all sorts of students in the course including designers and architects, cabinet makers, home renovators/remodelers, kitchen and bathroom designers, event planners, landscape designers and design enthusiasts.

To find out more about the courses we have on offer click the link below. And reach out if you have any questions I can help with :)

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

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