Elevate your design skills: online study tips for designers

Getting back into the world of learning and taking an online course can be overwhelming, especially if it's been a while since you've studied.

Whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to upskill and enhance your knowledge, taking a course or pursuing further education requires dedication, organisation and a solid plan to balance your studies with your other responsibilities and commitments.

It also requires a willingness to challenge yourself and push beyond your comfort zone as well as a strong commitment to continuously be learning and growing as a designer.

Whether you’re new to studying or just need some guidance to maximise your productivity, here are some of my top study tips.

1: Set yourself up for success

You likely have multiple competing priorities and you'll need to work out how you are going to make your studies work around the other things you have in your life.

So before you get going think about where you will be actually doing your work. If you only have your dining room table to do this, that is fine, but ideally you want to find a location that is free from other distractions and that you can leave set up so you can come and go to your work when you have some available moments to work on it.

Your action steps: 

  • Set yourself up with an allocated workspace

  • If you have to work on the dining room table because that's the only option, then perhaps allocate yourself a shelf in a cupboard to keep all your items associated with your study so you can quickly grab them when you need them and pack them away quickly as well.

2: Plan your time

You likely already lead a very busy life so I always suggest to my online course students that they make 'appointments' with themselves and allocate exactly when they are going to be doing their study.

If you've been part of my community for a while you'll know that I live by my calendar. If something isn't on my calendar then it most likely won't get done - and the same goes for when I'm doing my own online courses. I always make sure I block out time to actually watch the videos and do the activities in the courses I'm taking. That way I know that once the initial enthusiasm for the course has worn off I continue the commitment I have made with myself and actually follow through on completing the course I've signed up for.

Your action steps: 

  • Identify the best times for you to study and make them a regular part of your routine

  • Mark out specific dates and times in your calendar for when you will do your study

  • Do you need to get up earlier each day to get this done?

  • Do you need to ask your partner to take the kids out on a Sunday morning to get a few hours of time?

  • Make sure you do what is needed and follow through on the commitment you've made.

3: Find support

Your key to success is going to be support and accountability.

Luckily for students in my courses our student group is incredibly friendly, helpful and supportive and this makes the learning experience not only fun and enjoyable but allows students to seek support from those who might be a little further ahead in their journey.

But your support is also going to come from other places as well - like your friends or family. Make sure they know about your goals and the course you've signed up for and seek their support to help you achieve your goals.

Your action steps:  

  • Get involved in student communities of the courses you are taking

  • For certain types of courses it can be hugely beneficial to even seek out an accountability buddy and you can regularly check in and keep yourselves accountable to achieve your goals.

  • But also make sure you seek the support of your family/friends as well and ask for help minding your kids or simply ask them to check in on you regularly to see how you are going - whatever you think you might need to succeed.

  • People won't know if you don't ask them - so make sure you ask!

4: Stay organised

During your studies you’ll have a lot of information to take in and keeping it all in order can be a challenge.

Technology can be your friend here.

You can use tools like Google Drive or DropBox to store all your course materials, notes and assignments in one place, making it easier to access them from anywhere. I would suggest you set up a digital filing system from the start. To do this create a new set of folders and label them with what you might need. That way this system is ready to use as you get started.

You can also use project management tools like Notion (or Asana or Trello) to keep track of tasks and deadlines. I also like to use Notion to store lesson notes as well, but you may prefer to take notes by hand with notebooks etc.

Your action steps: 

  • Set up a digital filing system

  • Decide how you are going to take notes and what equipment or apps you’ll need for that (and get these purchased and set up).

5: Take breaks

Taking short breaks helps your brain to recharge, allowing you to come back to your work with fresh energy and a clear mind.

Plan these into your study periods.

Your action steps: 

  • Incorporate regular breaks into your study routine.

  • Set a timer for 25-30 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-10 minute break.

  • You can use this time to stretch, make a cup of tea or simply move away from what you’re working on.

6: Stay motivated

Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when you are trying to fit your studies into an already busy life.

But sticking with your course even when it gets hard (or boring!) is going to be the key to your success.

Set yourself achievable goals and track your progress. This could be as simple as setting a goal to complete a certain number of study hours per week or to reach a certain level in a course by a certain date. Whatever your goal is make sure it's something you can realistically achieve and track your progress along the way. Seeing your progress can be a great motivator and will help you stay focused on your goals.

Your action steps:

  • Break your course down into manageable phases (e.g. plan how long you want it to take and then work out how many lessons/modules you’ll need to complete each week to get it done in time)

  • Set yourself deadlines, put these in your calendar and then make a commitment to stick with them!

Remember getting through an online course will take hard work, dedication and a little bit of patience - but you can definitely do it when you set yourself up the right way from the start! 👊🏻

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

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Study tips (set up, plan your time, find support)