How to save money on your renovation or remodel project

No matter whether you're doing a $10,000 renovation update or a $2 million dollar new build home - my experience is that everyone is on a budget of some sort when they are renovating. ⁠And as a result people are always looking for ideas for how to make their money go further. ⁠So in this post I am sharing 22 different ideas for how you can save money on your next renovation or remodel project. ⁠

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How to come up with endless content ideas

Today I’m sharing three systems that I use to come up with a consistent stream of content ideas. Coming up with content ‘on the go’ is the worst way of doing it. You need to have a system for capturing ideas as you have them so when you sit down to create a piece of content you aren’t staring at a blank page and hoping to think of something. Here’s how I do it…

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Your path to a 6 figure design business [+ FREE Download]

Back in 2014 when I was first starting my business I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I found it so hard to work out the right and wrong way of doing things. And over the years I made every mistake you could think of…But fast forward 8/9 years or so and I now run an extremely successful business that I have built completely from the ground up. And I have spent time putting all this knowledge and experience in to a framework that can help other designers, which is what I am going to share with you today.

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How to design your business around your life (5 questions to ask)

There is no point running a business you don’t love to work in. Running a business is stressful and you have to enjoy what you’re doing or you may as well go and work for someone else. For me running a business is all about freedom and enjoyment. And in order to achieve that I proactively design my business around the life I want to live by regularly taking time to answer five specific questions…

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How to build a journalling habit and why you need one

I have been trying to build a consistent journaling habit for years but have never found a way to do it in a way that felt right for me. But in the last 6 months I’ve finally cracked it and have become very consistent with journaling. So in this post I want to share the way I now approach journaling, why I think it’s so important and how you can build a daily journaling habit in your routine.

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How to get out of a rut

Sometimes I have a really productive week that was proceeded by a few weeks where I was feeling stuck in a bit of a rut and not wanting to do the things I had on my to-do list. Yes, even I get stuck in a rut from time to time :) - so don't beat yourself up if sometimes you feel a bit unproductive.

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Tips for avoiding burnout

I have a relatively new morning routine - that I’ve also shared on my @clareleroy IGTV - where I do 15 mins of meditation right at the start of each day. Each morning I have a little routine of things to work through. A breathing exercise, a meditation exercise and also a short 5 minute video clip about something interesting. One week I learned about bee keeping, how the tectonic plates work, and three ways to avoid burnout, which is what I want to pass on to you today.

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Get things done: improve your to-do list (tips for designers)

I'm not sure if you can relate but my to-do list is always far too ambitious. I generally have more things on it than I know I can achieve and I often have tasks on there that sit there for weeks and months on end. Each day I move the task along another day as I haven't completed it that day. Mostly the reason I haven't completed it is because I don't really want to do it! So, I have come up with a new framework for thinking about my task list that is based on different ideas I've heard from other 'productivity' experts.

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