3 ways to upgrade your client experience (tips for designers)

The way people feel when they first start working with you has a long-lasting impact on their overall satisfaction with the service you're offering. Plus, having a professional onboarding experience to move your clients through shows you know what you're doing and gives them confidence that they've chosen the right person to work with. I’ve put together some tips for onboarding your new design clients when they first start working with you.

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How to generate more leads using Instagram

I know that Instagram (in particular but social media in general) can be a very powerful generator of leads and sales for your business as it's one of my own main sources of leads and new clients. But, I also know there are things the people do incorrectly with it.

So, today I want to share three reasons why Instagram (or other social media platforms) is probably not generating the results you are looking for - either in terms of growth or in terms of followers turning in to paid clients.

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How to be more productive

Let's talk productivity! Every day you have a choice to make...

Either you go through the motions in life, are reactive to things happening around you and go in circles each week without making a huge amount of progress. Or, you live your life on purpose. You are proactive, plan ahead and are productive with the limited time you have to work on things that are important to you.

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How to get more consistent with your email newsletters

I can’t say often enough how important it is to diversify your community and not be solely reliant on platforms that you don't own. And one of the best assets you can build for your business is an email list.

I rarely 'sell' to my readers via email as I want them to enjoy my emails and get a lot of value out of them. I know that so many of you look forward to reading my weekly email and many of you write and tell me that this is one of the few emails you actually even open each week. Here are three ways you can become more consistent with your email newsletter.

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Be comfortable in selling your design services!

One thing I know many creative people really don't like is selling themselves.

But I want you to learn that selling doesn't have to be sleezy or creepy or pushy - in fact if you really believe in your product or service then you should feel completely confident in what you are selling as you know it is something that your clients need and will help them solve a problem they have.

Getting good at sales is an essential skill if you want to grow a business and continue to do what you love. After all if you aren't making money, your business isn't going to survive!

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Three ways to be more productive

I know that so many of you struggle with the mental hurdle of starting a business or doing more with it because you feel you don't have any more time in your day. You are parents, you work full time, you've got carer responsibilities, you need to look after your household responsibilities - the list goes on! And trust me, I get it. I have all of those responsibilities as well! Here are 3 ways you can be more productive!

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Top three mindset tips for designers

For me, 2020 was the most transformational year of my life. I went from having a business that earned just over 6 figures in 2019 to one that earned around $1.2 million in 2020. It was life changing for myself as a business owner, but also for my family as well.

It wasn't an accident that last year was like this - I worked harder than I have ever worked and I put myself out of my comfort zone more than I ever had before. I want to share with you three things that worked for me because they might be what you need in your life and business too.

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How to fix professional procrastination

Procrastination is something that we all face at different times in our lives and even those of us who are super productive have periods of procrastination where we don't get as much done as we might normally. Sometimes it can be hard to understand why this occurs, but there's normally many reasons at play including boredom, difficulty of the task, frustration, a lack of motivation, or many other reasons as well.

I thought it might help you if I shared some ideas for how you might be able to get over your feelings of procrastination and finally get on top of those tasks you've been wanting to get done.

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How to be more disciplined and have more self control

Let's talk about discipline and self control! Lots of people email and DM me asking how I manage to be so disciplined - for example getting up at 5am, not drinking alcohol for nearly two years or how I have maintained my fitness regime for nearly 3 years now. And yes, while I am very disciplined I do find that the more disciplined and controlled my environment is the less I need to rely on self control to achieve my goals. So here are three ideas for how you could create a more disciplined environment for yourself.

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Show your face in your marketing!

People want to do business with other people – not with brands that have no face or personality behind them.

And that’s why it’s crucial that you are showing your face – both via pictures and videos – in your marketing and content. In today’s video I share some actionable tips and ideas for you to start doing so you can get some great images of yourself to use in your marketing (e.g. on your website, Instagram, YouTube channel).

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The key numbers you need to track in your business

Is your business making money? You may not even know if you aren’t tracking these key metrics.

Here are the key numbers or metrics you should be tracking in your business so you can keep yourself accountable, follow any seasonality (e.g. are there particularly slow periods you need to stay on top of), find out how many leads you’re getting and ultimately help you to see if your business is actually making any money!

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How to create better blogs and videos – a simple 3 step framework

Today I am sharing a simple 3-step framework for creating better content (e.g. blogs, videos or Instagram stories). If you spend 5 minutes planning out your content around this framework before you hit record or start writing your blog post you will find it so much easier to get your point across and it will also help your community remember the messages that you are trying to share.

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Build your business around YOU first

I hear a lot of excuses and reasons why people can’t start or grow their businesses. “I’ll do it when my kids start school”, “I’ll do it when COVID is over and I don’t have to home school”, “I’ll wait until I have a bit more time”.

The problem with these sorts of excuses is they hold you back from ever achieving anything. Instead of excuses for why you CAN’T do something what you should be doing is designing a life on purpose – so you fit what you want to achieve in terms of goals, dreams, aspirations around what you CAN achieve in your life.

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