Plan for 2022 in your design business

For many years now I’ve spent time at the start of each new year envisioning, planning and goal setting what I want for the year ahead. I definitely think it's one of my secrets of success.

This week I’m sharing my process for this and how you can make your coming year the most successful one yet!

Plan for 2022 in your design business

1: Reflection 

Take some time this week to reflect on how your year went in 2021. Take out your notebook and answer these questions honestly:

  • What is your big vision? If you think about this day in 1 year - where would you like to be (in business, health, life, family, etc.)

  • What are you most proud of from the past year?

  • What could you have done better?

  • How much money did you make last year?

  • Did you hit your revenue targets?

  • Did you complete the projects and goals you set yourself?

  • Did you deliver value and grow your community via content, social media or other avenues?

2: Projection 

The next step is to think about the coming year and answer these questions:

  • Why is your vision important? Who will it impact? What does it mean to you?

  • What are you most excited about?

  • What are the big projects you want to do this year (no more than 3-5 or you'll overwhelm yourself)

  • What revenue target are you trying to hit for 2022?

  • What activities will you be doing to build your community and generate new leads in to your business (e.g. content/social media marketing is one example of this)

3: Action 

The final step is to make an action plan.

Here's how:

  • Break your projects down in to actionable tasks and mini-projects. Assign them estimated timeframes for completion (e.g. one hour tasks, one day tasks, one week tasks) and allocate them to your calendar according to when you will complete them. If they aren't on the calendar they won't get done!

  • Break your revenue goals down to how many clients you need to work with in order to hit that goal. For example if your revenue target for Q1 is $24,000 and your typical project is $3,000 then you need to work with 8 clients in Q1. That's around 2-3 each month or about one per week (actually less than one per week!). Sounds doable when you break it down like that, right??! Plus you now know how many you need to be finding each week, which gives you clear focus on what you are doing.

  • Map out your content and social media calendars for the next few months. This is how you are going to attract new leads to your business so you've always got a steady stream of new clients in the pipeline.

The above is a very simplistic version of the planning process that I do for myself with my own 7-figure business. My process is quite a bit more complex than that and I track a lot more metrics in my business to help me see where things need to be improved and how I am tracking. But I hope the above helps you do some planning and if you do break things down like this and start taking action, I promise you will make progress this year!

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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