Ideas for creating multiple streams of revenue

In this post I want to talk a bit about how to make more money in your creative business by introducing multiple streams of revenue. This is something that I have done in my own business over the past few years with the introduction of my online courses and it's been a game changer for me. I can tell you there is nothing like waking up in the morning to find you’ve sold thousands of dollars of online courses while you were sleeping…

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How to become a lifelong learner

My passion for constant learning and growing is one of my superpowers and definitely a huge part of my success. There's so much research that demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning being a key part of a successful person's toolkit. And in this post I share three practical ideas for you that will help you develop the habit of lifelong learning.

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Imposter Syndrome: How to move past fear and self doubt

Sometimes we set goals that are so ambitious we then start to wonder how we will ever achieve them and doubt starts to creep in about whether or not we are even capable. We think “who am I to be trying to do this?” Self doubt like this often stems from being scared to put yourself out there. But to make progress in life we have to do it anyway - it’s a muscle we need to build.

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4 reasons why you should pass on your trade discounts to clients

Today I'm giving you 4 reasons why I think it's essential to pass on your trade discount to clients. There's a tradition within the interior design community that in order to make money you have to take a cut of the discounts you get from trades. But I built a very successful design business by passing my discounts on in full and it was one of the secrets to why I managed to book so many clients. I'll share what I mean in this video!

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Bathroom renovation + remodel tips

Having been involved in the renovation and remodel of hundreds of bathrooms over the past 10 years I’ve seen a lot of things that work well and many things that don’t. Bathrooms are one of the most expensive spaces in the home and there are so many decisions that need to be made along the way. So today I’m sharing a round up of some of my top tips for your next bathroom renovation or remodel project.

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How to save money on your renovation or remodel project

No matter whether you're doing a $10,000 renovation update or a $2 million dollar new build home - my experience is that everyone is on a budget of some sort when they are renovating. ⁠And as a result people are always looking for ideas for how to make their money go further. ⁠So in this post I am sharing 22 different ideas for how you can save money on your next renovation or remodel project. ⁠

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