Imposter Syndrome: How to move past fear and self doubt

Sometimes we set goals that are so ambitious we then start to wonder how we will ever achieve them and doubt starts to creep in about whether or not we are even capable.

We think to ourselves “who am I to be trying to do this?”

Self doubt like this often stems from being scared to put yourself out there. And it's one of the things that I see holding people back more than almost anything else.

I see students in my business courses who are scared of building their new businesses as they feel like a fraud. I see students in my SketchUp courses who feel scared that they won't know how to work out the 'tech' - and because of this they spin their wheels and never get started.

But to make progress in life we have to do it anyway - and sometimes that means we have to do it scared.

Being scared but doing it anyway is a muscle that needs to be built. It really sucks to start but the more we do it the easier it gets.

How to get over imposter syndrome

Put fear to the side

Here are 3 thoughts that will hopefully kick start action and help you put fear to the side.

  1. When you’re scared to the point of absolute inaction you will start to go backwards.

  2. When you’re scared but just stuck thinking about why you are scared then this will result in procrastination, overwhelm and leave you at a stand still.

  3. But when you’re scared but take action it will result in growth and progress

Don't let fear hold you back from creating your dream life! Growth and progress comes from taking action and being scared as you take that action.

The more you do it the less scared you will be.

FAIL = First Attempt in Learning

Below are three more ideas that I heard Errol Gerson talk about on a podcast I was listening to a while back. (Check the podcast out here - it’s great!).

These three ideas are simply acronyms for you to think about around failure, fear and the never ending cycle of procrastination. Here are three acronyms that Errol Gerson shared on the podcast:

  1. FEAR is just a four letter word. If you break it down as an acronym it can mean "False Evidence (that) Appears Real"

  2. But if you reframe the way you think about this four letter word you can also think about FEAR as being "Finally Empowered (to) Achieve Results".

  3. FAIL is also simply an acronym. It is your "First Attempt In Learning"

How to move past imposter syndrome

Gerson’s core message was that there is no failure, there is only learning. So use these ideas and be empowered to take those first attempts in learning. If it doesn't work the first time, learn from it and try again.

Here’s three questions to take away with you today. Some homework of sorts...

Let's get practical with how to move past imposter syndrome, fear and self doubt. Take some time to really think about what is holding you back and how you can move forward. Get out a piece of paper, grab a drink and start writing!

1 What thoughts or habits are currently stopping you from reaching the place where you want to end up in your life?

Here's some ideas....

  1. Perhaps you stay up until midnight watching Netflix every night and then don't get up in time to exercise.

  2. Do you drink too much alcohol and feel awful and regretful in the mornings?

  3. Or perhaps you're working really hard but you just don't have much to show for it.

You are only writing this down for yourself. So be honest here.

2 Write about your ideal self this time next year. What are you doing? What habits do you have in place that are creating a happy life? What thoughts have you let go of?

Here's some ideas.....

  • I show up every week on Facebook lives even though I don't always feel great about doing them. My audience is growing and they enjoy my content.

  • I don't compare myself to what I see others doing, I am on my own journey.

  • I am fully present with my family when I am with them as I know they are the reason I work so hard.

  • I exercise 4 times a week because I know that is how I remain calm and keep on top of things. I have lost 3kg and feel fantastic.

Don't think too much about what is achievable in the next year. Just think about how you would like to be showing up differently in the world. Once you start to imagine this you can make a plan to get there.

3 What are three new thoughts or habits that you could put in place to start becoming this person you have written about?

Here's some ideas....

  • Get up an hour earlier to work on my side passion or just to get ahead of the day

  • Start a regular exercise routine

  • Book recurring appointments in your diary to create a regular piece of content for your audience that makes you a bit uncomfortable - e.g. an Instagram story or a Facebook live.

  • Stop consuming non-stop content and start creating your own. This will help you avoid the constant 'comparison' with others. Start sharing your ideas with the world!

  • Leave your phone in another room when your kids get home from school so you can be fully present with them.

Write down at least three new habits or thoughts you will put in place in the coming week. And commit to doing this for your future self!

I hope you found this post helpful. Please share it with others if you think it could also help them as well.

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



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Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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