My Vision to Build the World's Best Professional Development Platform for Designers
Most designers start their business because they love design.
But at some point, love for design isn’t enough. You need to find clients. You need to price your work properly. You need to figure out marketing, sales, and systems - none of which are taught in traditional design education.
That’s when reality hits: running a design business is an entirely different skill set.
I know this because I’ve been there.
For the first six years of my business, I was in the trenches like most of you are - working with clients, running projects and figuring it all out as I went. I then morphed my business 5 years ago to the online education platform I have today and have helped tens of thousands of designers do the same.
And I’ve seen the same frustrations come up again and again. Designers aren’t struggling because they’re not talented. They’re struggling because they’re trying to figure it all out alone.
That realisation changed everything for me. Because while I’ve built systems, strategies and frameworks that help designers grow, I also know this: I don’t have all the answers. No one does.
That’s why I’m thinking bigger for my business as we move into 2025.
The problem with traditional business education
Most design education focuses on the craft - technical skills, software, design skills. But business success in design isn’t about being the most talented designer. It’s about being able to:
Attract high-quality clients consistently instead of relying on referrals
Price your services with confidence instead of undercharging or second guessing
Market your business effectively so you’re not stuck waiting for inquiries
Build systems that let you grow without working 24/7
Most designers aren’t taught these things, so they try to figure it out alone - piecing together advice and making mistakes. I know this because I see questions from designers every day in my free Facebook group.
Some eventually work it out, but many stay overwhelmed for years. And the ones who truly succeed? They don’t just consume information. They surround themselves with the right people, in the right conversations, learning from those ahead of them.
That’s what’s been missing. And that’s what I want to build.
Why I’m thinking bigger
Up until now my business has largely been centred around me - my insights, my strategies, my content. And while I’ve helped thousands of designers build more profitable businesses, I don’t want my work to be limited to just my perspective. Because success in design isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula.
Some designers scale to large teams. Others stay solo. Some build productised services. Others decide to work for larger design companies. There’s no single “right way” to build a design career - but there are valuable lessons to be learned from those who have done it successfully.
That’s why I’m shifting my focus from teaching designers what I know to connecting them with the people, insights and strategies that have already been proven to work.
Thinking in this way forces three things:
1️⃣ It attracts the right people. The most ambitious designers don’t just want tutorials. They want to learn from successful designers who have built the kind of business they want and be in an environment where they’re constantly growing.
2️⃣ It forces excellence. If I want to build something that actually changes the industry, it has to be best in class.
3️⃣ It creates real impact. I’ve already helped thousands of designers improve their businesses - but what if I could transform the way designers learn, grow and connect forever?
What I wish I had when I started
Looking back, I wish I had more than just courses and books. I wish I had access to:
People who had already built what I was trying to build - so I could learn from their experiences instead of making costly mistakes.
A community of designers at my level and beyond - so I didn’t feel like I was figuring everything out alone.
Real conversations about what actually works in business - not just generic advice, but insights I could actually apply.
That’s what I’m working on now.
Not just another education platform, but something that fills the gap that I wish had existed when I was growing my business.
How I’m thinking about the future
I don’t want to build something small. I want to build something that fundamentally changes the way designers grow their businesses. I want to create a space where designers:
Learn from the best in the industry, not just theoretical educators.
Build strong professional networks that help them grow faster.
Get access to real, practical insights that they can apply immediately.
Because business growth doesn’t happen in isolation. When you have the right people, the right knowledge and the right conversations, everything changes.
This is where my focus is now.
I don’t have all the answers and I don’t want to pretend I do. But what I do know is that designers need more than just information - they need access. To the right people. To the right strategies. To the right community.
And that’s what I’m building.
If that sounds of interest make sure to SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER to be the first to hear more about what I’m building and when it will be ready.
Improve your professionalism?
Find more clients?
Bring in more revenue?
Create better systems and processes?
Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.
These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.