Pricing Design Services

Here are some random thoughts on pricing design services that may help you if you struggle with this:

💭 Pricing is an art, not a science. There’s no right or wrong way to price your services and you need to find what works best for your business and your unique circumstances.

💭 If you’re just starting out and making up your pricing as you go along, then take comfort in knowing that’s exactly the way that EVERY designer starts out.

💭 Don’t let anyone tell you they’ve always known how to price their services - it’s not true!

💭 Offering discounts to get initial clients can work, but make sure you don’t set a precedent that devalues your services in the long run.

💭 Before setting your prices, make sure you understand all your expenses so you don't undervalue your work.

💭 You should pice based on the value you bring to the client rather than the hours you spend on a project. If your design can significantly improve their living or work space, that value is what you are selling (not your hours spent doing design work). Help clients understand the value of good design and the long term benefits it can bring (e.g. increased property value).

💭 The way you present your services can affect how they are perceived. High quality branding, professional behaviour and excellent client communication will all contribute to perceived value.

💭 Clearly communicate what is included in your pricing. Clients appreciate knowing what they’re paying for, which builds trust and can help you justify higher prices.

💭 As your brand and reputation grows and demand for your services increases, don’t be afraid to raise your prices accordingly.

💭 Be flexible and price on a project by project basis. Not all projects are the same and you will need to adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

💭 The only way to really get to the right pricing for you is to keep putting your prices up until clients stop saying yes. That’s when you know you've got the right value for your services.

Need more help with pricing? ⬇️

Take my Pricing Short Course for Designers

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



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