This is the story of how The Little Design Corner got started and how I’ve built it to the business it is today.
Read MoreMost business owners fail. Not because they lack talent, but because they won’t show up every single day and do the daily work. Success isn’t about big breakthroughs - it’s about disciplined, consistent action (even when it’s boring). If you're ready to build a sustainable business, this post will show you how to stay on track and make more progress.
Read MoreI’ve had my design business for more than 10 years and most of those years were spent doing exactly the same type of work that most of you do - i.e. working 1:1 with design clients on their home renovation projects. Here are some random tips and advice I’ve learned up over the past 10+ years that you may find helpful.
Read MoreIn this post I share 5 traits you will need to build a successful design business.
Read MoreI want to share some ideas about developing a CEO mindset. Successful business owners have a mindset and way of acting that sets them apart from others and if you aren't seeing the growth or revenue that you would like from your business it could well be that you aren't behaving like the CEO that your business needs. At the end of your day if you treat your business like a hobby then you'll get paid like it's a hobby!
Read MoreImposter syndrome is that internal experience of doubting your own accomplishments or feeling like a fraud. If you find yourself feeling like this it's probably for one of the reasons I outline in this post.
Read MoreThe way you show up each day is completely up to you. Nothing worth having in life comes easily - if it did then you would have it already! To achieve your goals you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone, change the way you show up, do things that scare you and face your fears. Here are some daily reminders to help you.
Read MoreIn this Q&A series, I answer questions that come up in my Facebook group and outline my thoughts on what people are asking. In this post I share some tips for how to get a job in the design industry.
Read MoreMany people struggle with confidence and imposter syndrome but it's definitely something that can be overcome. As you progress in life and business you'll find that the person who got you to where you are now is no longer enough to take you to the next level. To reach new heights and grow in confidence you need to change and grow too. In this post I share three things you need to build to overcome imposter syndrome.
Read MoreVery little about running an interior design business is actually about design itself. In this post I share the common traits and characteristics that define the world's top interior designers and how these traits contribute to their success.
Read MoreUnderstanding why you do the things you do can help to guide you towards the things you most want in life. In this post I share an exercise I just learned about that will help you clarify the reasons you do what you do. Creating a list like this will help keep you motivated and inspired on the days when you don’t feel like doing much. Here’s how it works…
Read MoreVery little about what I achieve in my life or business relies on me being motivated to get it done. In fact, just like you I rarely feel motivated to do the boring, mundane (or hard) tasks that have to get done each day. And if I relied on feeling motivated to do the things that are essential for my personal or business growth then I would never do them. I think motivation is a trap and in this post I share what I do instead.
Read MoreStarting a business can be both exciting and challenging, and making mistakes is a natural part of the process. In this post I share some of the mistakes I made when starting my interior design business and offer tips on how to avoid making the same mistakes I did!
Read MoreAre you running your business like a hobbyist or like a business owner? In this post I share 5 tasks you should be doing every week in your business to help you develop a CEO mindset.
Read MoreIn this post I share a horror story that cost this interior designer $15,000….I also share how to limit the number of mistakes that happen in a design project and how to avoid them happening in the first place.
Read MoreIn this post I share some ideas on why your design business may not be growing and why you may not be as profitable as you would like. This is a problem that I see time and again with designers. Perhaps you aren't getting enough clients or perhaps you have enough clients and lots of work but you aren’t seeing the financial results that you feel you should (or would like to!) have. Here are four reasons why that might be the case…
Read MoreIn this post I want to set your expectations about what it’s really like to run your own design business.
Read MoreThe fear of failure is one of the things that stops so many people from moving forward with their big ideas and dreams. Here are a few practical ways to build your confidence as you start and grow your business…
Read MoreThere are two types of business owner: 1. The Hobbyist 2. The Professional. In this post I share the characteristics of each type…Which one are you? HINT: If you want a profitable design business you want more of the characteristics of the professional then the hobbyist :)
Read MoreHere are the five things I see designers get wrong and why they aren’t seeing the results they want from their business.
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