If I had to start my 7-figure a year business over again, here are the steps I would take.
Read MoreWorking as an interior designer is VERY stressful and not as glamorous as it might seem! There’s also a lot of risk and pressure involved with design work, that many don’t realise when they enter the industry. In this post I share just some of the aspects of the profession that can be stressful.
Read MoreWhether we like it or not, first impressions count. In this post I share why your image and branding, the trust and confidence you exude, your understanding of client aspirations and your aesthetics matter in the world of design.
Read MoreQuick one from me today….here’s a list of what I used to take with me to an initial design consultation with a new design client.
Read MoreIn this post I share some business models that many interior designers are tempted to pursue but normally end up being hard to run, risky and not particularly profitable. After that I share some business models that I think can transform your business and help you grow and scale.
Read MoreIn this post I am sharing my brand new goal setting process for 2024 - including how I’m making achieving my goals FUN this year.
Read MoreAs an interior designer, your creativity and expertise are your most valuable assets. However, to ensure that your business thrives, it's crucial to recognise the importance of valuing your time and services appropriately. In this post I share some examples of things you may not be billing for, but should be in order to maximise your earning potential.
Read MoreWhy does one interior designer charge $5,000 in fees for a project while another can ask $50,000 for the same work? In the design industry a variety of factors influence how designers set their fees and this post explores what some of those factors are and gives you some tips for how to increase your pricing.
Read MoreHere’s what to say when a design client raises pricing objections.
Read MoreInstagram is not against you! It’s a business and wants good content that keeps people on the platform. It’s not purposefully not showing your content to your community. It’s just that your content isn’t that good. So it’s up to you to get better!! Here’s how the algorithm works in 2024...
Read MoreA lot of you aren’t going to like what I’ve got to say in this post 🫣😬. But if you keep finding your clients go behind your back and try and “shop around” with your suppliers to find a better deal, it’s because they don’t trust you. Here’s why….
Read MoreIf you want to grow your business then stop doing these 5 things…
Read MoreIn this post I summarise the revenue, wins and learnings in my business from 2023.
Read MoreEach year I like to do a roundup of lessons I’ve learned from the year. Here are my 23 random life and business lessons learned during 2023.
Read MoreHere is my monthly business reset and review for December 2023. I share my revenue, wins and learnings from last month and plan for the month ahead.
Read MoreE-design is not a good way to scale your design business online. In this post I share 5 reasons why it’s REALLY hard to make good money offering e-design. I also give you a strategy for how this can be done better if you are keen to offer e-design as part of your business strategy.
Read MoreEvery year in December I spend some time reflecting on the year that has passed and planning for the year ahead. Here’s what I’m thinking about as we head into 2024 and what I plan to change in my business next year...
Read MoreMost designers don’t track their time. But accurate time tracking not only helps you set accurate design fees, it also helps you understand your business (and working patterns) better. In this post I share the importance of time tracking for interior designers and how it can help improve your business efficiency and profitability.
Read MoreIn this post I talk about the complexities of pricing in the design industry and emphasise the importance of valuing services beyond hourly rates. There are a few key questions that can guide you in determining appropriate prices. In this post I share these questions and explain why they're important.
Read MoreIn this post I share how I would grow my Instagram account from 0 to 1000 followers in 2024.
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