In this post I share how to create and facilitate a successful design workshop that will engage your clients and grow your business. I cover everything from defining workshop objectives, promoting your event, finding a venue and following up with participants. Discover the secret to hosting a workshop your clients will love (that will also drive results for your business).
Read MoreIf you are wondering how to grow your interior design business then this post is for you! I share the key stages a design business moves through as it grows and scales and help you identify what stage you’re in now, what activities you should be working on and how to get to the next stage. I also have a free PDF download for you in the post as well.
Read MoreIf you only service clients 1:1 in your business then you are limiting your ability to make money and scale what you are doing (i.e. work less hours and make more money). This is a topic I am really passionate about and is the way I have scaled my own business from a 6 figure business working 1 to 1 with clients to one that makes multiple 7 figures per year where I work only a few hours a day. Here’s some ideas for you…
Read MoreIn this post I’m sharing the 5 step framework outlining the path I’ve used to take my service based interior design business to a multi-million dollar business that is now entirely online.
Read MoreStop trading time for money! Having more than just 1:1 client work to rely on for generating revenue in your interior design business is how you will ensure you hit your revenue targets each month. In this post I’m sharing lots of ideas for products and services you can create to make more money in your design business.
Read MoreMy business recently crossed $4 million in revenue from online courses. It took 3 years. In this post I brain dump the 61 steps I’ve taken to get to this point.
Read MoreI strongly believe that every design business owner should build in a range of different revenue streams to help them grow and scale their businesses. And in this post I am sharing seven ways to make more money in your design business (that aren’t just traditional interior design services for clients).
Read MoreIf you want to protect your business from the ups and downs of one to one client work then you need multiple streams of revenue. Here's how to create multiple streams of revenue inside your creative business.
Read MoreIn this post I want to talk a bit about how to make more money in your creative business by introducing multiple streams of revenue. This is something that I have done in my own business over the past few years with the introduction of my online courses and it's been a game changer for me. I can tell you there is nothing like waking up in the morning to find you’ve sold thousands of dollars of online courses while you were sleeping…
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