Posts in Branding + Marketing
Instagram Tips Week: 4 mistakes I see designers make on Instagram

In today’s Instagram tips week video I am sharing four of the biggest mistakes I see interior designers make on Instagram. These mistakes largely stem from the fact that many designers and new business owners forget that they should be using Instagram as a strategic business tool NOT as a place to just talk about themselves and show off what they know or like. So, make sure you take a look at today’s video and if you’re making any of these mistakes you can then think about how you can fix them up.

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Instagram Tips Week: 3 ways to find more design clients on Instagram

In today’s Instagram tips week video I am sharing three ways to find more design clients and grow your following (and business!) on Instagram. In particular we are talking about hashtags, location tagging and mentions. These are all great ways of helping you get in front of a larger audience and bringing awareness to the content you’re sharing.

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Ideas for what to post on Instagram

If you’re working as a designer there’s about a 99% chance that your ideal client is hanging out on the Instagram platform. Investing time into your Instagram means that you’ll have a steady stream of new leads coming in to your business that you can then nurture and hopefully eventually turn in to paying clients.

In this video I’m sharing some ideas today on how to do all the thinking about what you will post in one block of time – so that your daily post creation becomes a breeze!

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Where design clients come from

Marketing is something you will spend a huge chunk of time on. And my strong opinion is that every single business owner needs to think of themselves as a marketing expert – in the same way that they think of themselves as an expert in designer, decoration or whatever their business niche is. Let me give you some ideas of where design clients come from so you can focus your marketing efforts.

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