Start making money while you sleep as a designer (with an online booking form)

Adding an online booking form to your interior design/architecture website isn't just about keeping up with the latest digital trends, it will be a game changer for your business. This simple addition can significantly improve your clients’ experience plus improve your overall business efficiency.

Here are the reasons you should add this to your website.

1: It makes it easy for clients to do business with you

An online booking form simplifies the process for clients, making it more convenient for them to engage with your services.

When it's easy for clients to do business with you, they're more likely to proceed with a booking, which can lead to higher conversion rates and a better overall client experience.

The best clients (who are good decision makers) don’t want to talk to you or have a “free discovery call” prior to booking for a consultation with you.

2: Money comes in while you’re doing other work (or sleeping!)

Having an online booking form that includes payment options also means that you can generate income automatically, even while you're focused on other tasks or while you’re asleep!

This automation ensures a steady flow of revenue without requiring your constant attention, allowing you to maximise your time and efficiency.

It allows your business to operate and earn money 24/7, contributing to a more scalable and sustainable business model.

3: Less friction (and a better client experience)

An online booking form reduces friction in the client onboarding process.

By minimising the steps required to schedule and pay for a consultation, you remove potential barriers that might prevent clients from moving forward.

This increases the likelihood of converting interested visitors into paying clients. You want to capture someone at the exact moment they are ready to buy! By the time you can call them or email them back they may have booked someone else.

4: Less distractions for you (means you’ll get more work done)

Allowing clients to book online reduces daily distractions for you, as it eliminates the need for phone calls to schedule appointments or have “free discovery meetings”.

This streamlined process means fewer interruptions and will give you more uninterrupted time to focus on your other client work.

By automating the booking process, you can stay on track with your projects and increase your efficiency and output.

5: Good for clients that don’t like talking on the phone

Many people, especially busy professionals or those who are more comfortable with digital interactions, appreciate the convenience of booking services online.

Clients who make decisions easily and quickly online are often the ones who value efficiency. And these are the types of clients you want to attract!!

By offering an online booking experience, you're more likely to engage with decisive, action oriented clients who are serious about working with you.

6: Potential clients know the first step to start working with you

An online booking form shows the first step for potential clients to start working with you.

By providing an easy process for scheduling an initial consultation it removes ambiguity about how to engage your services.

This clarity can be reassuring for clients, making it easy for them to take action and make a decision to work with you.

Also - if you’re worried about clients with low budgets booking for a consultation (who you don’t want to work with), make sure you have a note on the booking form about your minimum or typical project budget. For example “Please note our minimum project budgets start at $1 million. Please do not book a consultation if your project is under this.”

7: Prior payment = no awkward conversations about money

Requiring immediate payment when booking a consultation eliminates the need for awkward conversations during the consultation.

It also means you can secure payments upfront, which reduces the risk of no shows or cancellations and ensures that clients are committed to the consultation.

This helps you to avoid time wasters or those who are just looking for free advice.

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

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