Content, Courses + Community for Design Professionals


Hi, I’m Clare! 👋🏻

🏡 I’m the owner of The Little Design Corner.

😄 I’m a designer, educator and Mum of 3 boys (one with profound disabilities).

🤓 I have a PhD in business but left the corporate world 10 years ago to pursue my dreams of starting my own interior design business.

👩🏻‍🎓 I worked as a designer with clients 1:1 for about 6 years but started to get more and more questions about how I was running my business and creating my designs.

🚀 So I started creating online courses and resources that would allow me to support other designers and architects who wanted to start, grow and scale their own interior profitable businesses.

🤑 And in 10 years I've gone from working for free for a few friends to creating a multi-million dollar a year business that now makes money while I sleep.

🏃‍♂️ I'm also a very normal (busy) mother :) - if I can grow a successful business, you can do it too!

☕️ I have taken a long and winding road to get to where I am today - my aim is to share helpful stuff so you can get there faster than I did!

Here’s a few stats about me and the business I’ve grown:

🥳 I take a unique approach to online education - and I pride myself on making my courses fun and engaging.

👩🏻‍💻 My ultimate goal is to help designers and architects upskill in areas they wished they had learned in design school - especially around the topics of business and marketing.

Want to find out more about how I’ve built my 7-figure a year business?

Here’s a video where I tell the full story (this is from a while ago, but still tells the story):

Or you can also read this blog post (also from a little while ago):

My path from $0-$4 million

If you’re new to my community here’s a few places you may like to start:

SketchUp courses

Learn how to create amazing 3D designs and renders with my SketchUp + Layout courses.

If you’re new to SketchUp start with my FREE INFORMATION SESSION

In the session I share my full interior design workflow using the software plus how to get started with it.

Design + Business Templates

My Design and Business Templates are the ultimate solution to elevate your design business, impress clients and streamline your business systems and workflow.

From Fixtures & Fittings Schedules to Design Concept, Fee Proposals and project trackers, you’ll find everything you need to set yourself up for business growth.

Business Short Courses for Designers and Architects

I also have a range of business short courses that have been created specifically for designers and architects to get you fast results in your business.

These courses help you make more money and build a more professional design business.

Find out more about the short course options here.

My weekly newsletter

Every Friday I send an email with a roundup of business and design content for designers, plus some behind the scenes of how I'm building my own multi-million dollar business.

Join 75,000 + others here >>>

Takes just a few minutes to read each week :)

Free content on my Blog and YouTube Channel

Get all my FREE resources, downloads, ideas + inspiration over here

Or check out my YouTube channel here

My work as a designer

My interior design work has been featured in a number of leading design magazines and publications including EST. living, Real Living, Adore Magazine, Homes+ and the HomesToLove website.

But these days, due to my commitment to my online business, I am no longer working with interior design clients.

Welcome to the community - I can’t wait to help you achieve amazing things with your life and design business!

Dr Clare Le Roy

Director - The Little Design Corner