5 questions to ask yourself before you post anything on social media

Social media isn’t about you, it’s about your community.

You have to put time and effort into working out what content your community is interested in and what they just ignore.

If your social media page isn’t growing, it’s likely because your content isn’t that good.

So put some effort into working out what you can do better and how you can better support your community.

There are 5 questions I ask myself before I post any content.

These questions are:

1: Is this on brand and about the topic I’m trying to build a community around?

If it's not, don't post it.

2: Is this too surface level (e.g. the same as what everyone else is already sharing)?

If it is, don't post it.

3: Does it tell MY story or share a different perspective?

If it doesn't, don't post it

4: Is it easy to consume and read quickly or are there too many ideas?

If it isn't, don't post it

5: Would this have stopped my scroll?

If it wouldn't have, don't post it

If the answer is no to any of these questions then I won’t post it (or I’ll keep working on the content until I feel the answer is yes).


  • If you are posting average content, expect average results

  • If you aren't committed to learning how to get better, don't expect your account to grow

  • The best content is about your community, not about you

  • The best content provides value of some kind - e.g. it's educational, it's entertaining or it's an interesting story

  • Question everything you post - if you don't think it's good enough, don't post it!

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

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